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Better parameterized pytests with dataclasses

September 14, 2023 / 23 min read / 2,844 views 5 likes 0 comments

Last Updated: May 12, 2024

dataclasses pytest python

Pytest dataclasses

Parameterization is a powerful tool in pytest (the most popular Python testing framework). It allows us to write a single, simple test that can dynamically expand to become many similar tests with minor input differences. In this blog post, I will describe how to write parameterized pytests and why they are such a powerful tool. And then, Iā€™ll show you how to re-write parameterized tests more effectively using dataclasses.


I wrote the examples in this blog post with Python version 3.10. The only place you would notice the Python version is in how I write type hints once I introduce dataclasses:

# python 3.10 type syntax
item: int | float
# python <= 3.9 type syntax
from typing import Int, Float
item: [Int, Float]

Youā€™ll also need to install pytest:

pip install pytest

You can find the example code for this blog post all in one place here.

Writing tests with many variations

Letā€™s say we want to test the following extremely derivative example function:

def add(num1, num2):
    """Add two numbers together."""
    return num1 + num2

To test this function, weā€™d want to test that various input values produce expected output values. How could we do that?

Option 1: A series of one-off tests

One good testing practice is to make your tests small and test preferably one interaction (i.e., one function call). One way to test many inputs would be to write a series of simple, one-off tests like so:

def test_add_1_2_makes_3():
    assert add(1, 2) == 3

def test_add_5_0_makes_5():
    assert add(5, 0) == 5

However, this would get very tedious, very fast, especially if we had a dozen or so different inputs we needed to test. On top of that, there would be a lot of repeated code and visual bloat. Duplicated code isnā€™t always bad in tests but it would become a bit extreme if we had to write a dozen one-off tests like this.

Option 2: Loop over inputs in a single test

To avoid repeating ourselves, we could write one function where we loop over a series of input values like so:

def test_add():
    # (num1, num2, expected)
    inputs = [(1, 2, 3), (5, 0, 5), (0, 5, 5), (-5, 10, 5), (5, -10, -5)]
    for (num1, num2, expected) in inputs:
        assert add(num1, num2) == expected

The above solution is not ideal for two reasons.

First, if an assertion fails for one of the test cases in the inputs list, it would be hard to tell which test case caused the failure. In this simple example, distinguishing which case caused the assertion error would be relatively easy. Still, with more complicated inputs or tests, we might have to work hard to determine which test case caused the assertion error.

The second reason this setup is bad is that the test will fail immediately once we get one assertion error. We wonā€™t know if any of the input test cases after the first would have succeeded or failed until we find and fix the problem and re-run the test (potentially many times).

Option 3: Use a parameterized test

The best solution is to write a parameterized test. Parameterized tests are a powerful pytest tool. They allow you to write one simple test with many input value combinations. Then, at run time, your one test dynamically generates many one-off tests, each using the provided input values. Here is an example:

import pytest

# (num1, num2, expected)
INPUTS = [(1, 2, 3), (5, 0, 5), (0, 5, 5), (-5, 10, 5), (5, -10, -5)]

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("num1", "num2", "expected"), INPUTS)
def test_add_parameterized(num1, num2, expected):
    assert add(num1, num2) == expected

To mark a pytest as a parameterized test, we use the @pytest.mark.parameterize decorator. That decorator takes two input arguments. The first argument is either a string or a tuple of strings. Using the string syntax, you can write a comma-separated list of items like this: "num1,num2,expected". Passing in a single item like "num" is also possible. The comma-separated string or tuple of strings (e.g., ("num1", "num2", "expected")) correspond to variable names. We provide those same variable names as parameters to the test function (num1, num2, expected), which we can then use as variables in the test itself.

The second input argument to @pytest.mark.parameterize is an iterable (for example, a list). Each item in the list will dynamically generate a new test, passing in the list item to the variable names described in the first argument of @pytest.mark.parameterize. If the first argument is a string variable name, each list item can be any object. However, if the first argument corresponds to multiple variable names, each list item must be an iterable of the same size to expand to fill out those variable names. In the above example, the list item (1, 2, 3) expands to fill out the variable names ("num1", "num2", "expected"). The simplest way to do this is to pass in a list of uniform tuples like in the above example:

# (num1, num2, expected)
INPUTS = [(1, 2, 3), (5, 0, 5), (0, 5, 5), (-5, 10, 5), (5, -10, -5)]

Note: I like to add a comment above the tuples to remind myself what each item in the tuple corresponds to.

In the above example, each tuple in INPUTS will generate a new test. And in each dynamically generated test, the tuple values correspond to the variables num1, num2, expected. For the first test case, num1 will become 1, num2 will become 2, and expected will become 3. In the second test case, num1 will become 5, num2 will become 0, and expected will become 5. Hereā€™s the whole example again as a reminder:

# (num1, num2, expected)
INPUTS = [(1, 2, 3), (5, 0, 5), (0, 5, 5), (-5, 10, 5), (5, -10, -5)]

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("num1", "num2", "expected"), INPUTS)
def test_add_parameterized(num1, num2, expected):
    assert add(num1, num2) == expected

The result of running the above parameterized pytest in verbose mode looks like this:

$ pytest -k test_add_parameterized -v
========================== test session starts =========================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.2, /bin/python3.10
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /my_tests
collected 5 items / 0 deselected / 5 selected                                                    [1-2-3] PASSED    [ 20%][5-0-5] PASSED    [ 40%][0-5-5] PASSED    [ 60%][-5-10-5] PASSED  [ 80%][5--10--5] PASSED [100%]

==================== 5 passed, 0 deselected in 0.04s ====================

Note -k test_add_parameterized ran only tests containing that string in the test name, and -v made tests output in ā€œverboseā€ mode (one line per test). Analyzing these test results, we can see that five tests ran, one for each tuple of the inputs we provided. We can also see how pytest named the tests (test_add_parameterized[1-2-3]): the test name, with the input values of [num1-num2-expected] appended to the end.

Excellent! šŸŽ‰ This parameterized test is precisely what we need. We dynamically generated a series of tests for different inputs by writing one simple test (each test only calls the add function once). This approach is much cleaner and less work than writing a series of one-off tests. It is also much better than looping over these values with a single test because if one test fails, we can see which test failed, and the tests after the failing test will continue to run. To demonstrate, Iā€™ll change the middle test tuple from (0, 5, 5) to (0, 5, 4).

$ pytest -k test_add_parameterized -v
=========================== test session starts ===========================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.2, /bin/python3.10
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /my_tests
collected 5 items / 0 deselected / 5 selected                                                    [1-2-3] PASSED    [ 20%][5-0-5] PASSED    [ 40%][0-5-4] FAILED    [ 60%][-5-10-5] PASSED  [ 80%][5--10--5] PASSED [100%]

================================= FAILURES =================================
____________________ test_add_parameterized[0-5-4] _________________________

num1 = 0, num2 = 5, expected = 4

    @pytest.mark.parametrize(("num1", "num2", "expected"), INPUTS)
    def test_add_parameterized(num1, num2, expected):
        """Test the add function using a parameterized list of tuples."""
>       assert add(num1, num2) == expected
E       assert 5 == 4
E        +  where 5 = add(0, 5) AssertionError
======================== short test summary info =============================
FAILED[0-5-4] - assert 5 == 4
================= 1 failed, 4 passed, 0 deselected in 0.06 ===================

Notice that the middle test ā€œFAILEDā€, while the tests before and after that test all ran and ā€œPASSEDā€. Nice! šŸ™Œ

Using pytest.param to provide test IDs

One thing I donā€™t like about passing in a series of tuples as the second argument to @pytest.mark.parametrize is that the test names generated by pytest are not very expressive. Recall that the test names append all the items in the tuple, separated by dashes to the end of the parametrized test name (e.g., test_add_parameterized[0-5-4]). Thatā€™s not very descriptive. Luckily, we can customize our parameterized test names by substituting the input tuples with pytest.param() objects containing IDs. The resulting code change looks like this.

    # (num1, num2, expected)
    pytest.param(1, 2, 3, id="basic_case"),
    pytest.param(5, 0, 5, id="num2_has_0"),
    pytest.param(0, 5, 5, id="num1_has_0"),
    pytest.param(-5, 10, 5, id="num1_negative"),
    pytest.param(5, -10, -5, id="num2_negative_gt_num1"),

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("num1", "num2", "expected"), ADD_CASES_WITH_IDS)
def test_add_with_ids(num1, num2, expected):
    """Test the add function using pytest.param objects with ids set."""
    assert add(num1, num2) == expe

Here is the result of running the above parameterized test in verbose mode:

$ pytest -k test_add_with_ids -v
============================= test session starts =============================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.2 -- /bin/python3.10
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /blog_posts
collected 5 items / 0 deselected / 5 selected                                                            [basic_case] PASSED            [ 20%][num2_has_0] PASSED            [ 40%][num1_has_0] PASSED            [ 60%][num1_negative] PASSED         [ 80%][num2_negative_gt_num1] PASSED [100%]

======================= 5 passed, 0 deselected in 0.04s =======================

Much better! Now, the dynamically generated tests have expressive names that come closer to expressing why each test case matters.

The problem with passing many variables to tests

The situation laid out in the above parameterized test works well. The test is simple, and importantly, the matrix of input arguments (the pytest.param() iterables) is also pretty simple. But letā€™s look at another example function that divides two numbers.

def divide(num1, num2):
    """Divide two numbers."""
    return num1 / num2

Weā€™ll test this function like before.

import pytest

    # (num1, num2, expected)
    pytest.param(4, 2, 2, id="basic_case"),
    pytest.param(2, 4, 0.5, id="num2_gt_num1"),
    pytest.param(0, 2, 0, id="num1_0"),

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("num1", "num2", "expected"), DIVIDE_CASES)
def test_divide(num1, num2, expected):
    """Test the divide function using pytest.param objects with ids set."""
    assert divide(num1, num2) == expected

Now, letā€™s say we want to test the case where num2, the divisor, equals 0. Thatā€™s a problem. We know that dividing a number by zero is impossible ā€“ doing so will raise a ZeroDivisionError. We can expand our test for this by adding a fourth variable to our list of variables called error, like so.

import pytest

    # (num1, num2, expected, error)
    pytest.param(4, 2, 2, None, id="basic_case"),
    pytest.param(2, 4, 0.5, None, id="num2_gt_num1"),
    pytest.param(0, 2, 0, None, id="num1_0"),
    pytest.param(2, 0, None, ZeroDivisionError, id="num1_0"),

@pytest.mark.parametrize(("num1", "num2", "expected", "error"), DIVIDE_CASES_EXPANDED)
def test_divide_with_error(num1, num2, expected, error):
    """Test the divide function with added error catching and pytest.param."""
    if error:
        with pytest.raises(error):
            divide(num1, num2)
        assert divide(num1, num2) == expected

In the above code, we use with pytest.raises(error), passing in our error to let pytest know we expect an error. That code runs when error, passed in from pytest.param(), is not None. When error is None, weā€™ll check that the divide function produces the expected outcome, like before.

Aside: Some might say having an if statement in a test is bad practice. Maybe we should test the special case separately. I donā€™t really abide by that philosophy. Furthermore, itā€™s beside the point of this blog post.

I noticed that with four items to keep track of, the pytest.param() iterable has become more unwieldy. Furthermore, the last two items in the iterable (corresponding to expected and error) are a little awkward. error doesnā€™t matter for cases that donā€™t error, so we need a series of None filler values for error in those test cases. And expected doesnā€™t matter for the error case since there is no expected value.

Keep the above two annoyances in mind as I further expand the example to drive these points home. Letā€™s say we notice that sometimes non-numbers get passed into the divide function, causing more problems we need to test for. To compensate, we add a debug log statement to check the types of the incoming numbers.

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def divide_with_logging(num1, num2):
    """Divide two numbers, first logging their types in DEBUG mode."""
        "type(num1=%s, type(num2)=%s)",
    return num1 / num2

We can expand our test to check for the logs under various conditions. When the log level is set to DEBUG, we would expect to see this debug log statement. When it is set to INFO, we would not expect to see the log statement.

Weā€™ll check for these conditions by adding two more arguments to our pytest.param() iterable: log_level and expected_log_msg.

    # (num1, num2, expected, error, log_level, expected_log_msg)
    pytest.param(4, 2, 2, None, logging.INFO, "", id="basic_case"),
    pytest.param(2, 4, 0.5, None, logging.INFO, "", id="num2_gt_num1"),
    pytest.param(0, 2, 0, None, logging.INFO, "", id="num1_0"),
    pytest.param(2, 0, None, ZeroDivisionError, logging.INFO, "", id="num2_0"),
        "num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'int'>",
        "num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'float'>",
        "num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'str'>",

    ("num1", "num2", "expected", "error", "log_level", "expected_log_msg"),
def test_divide_with_logging(num1, num2, expected, error, log_level, expected_log_msg, caplog):
    """Test the divide_with_logging method with error checking and log checking."""
    if error:
        with pytest.raises(error):
            divide_with_logging(num1, num2)
        assert divide_with_logging(num1, num2) == expected

    if expected_log_msg:
        assert expected_log_msg in caplog.text
        assert len(caplog.text) == 0

Letā€™s break down the above test function. Before running divide_with_logging, we set the log level according to the passed-in log_level argument using the built-in caplog fixture. After running divide_with_logging, we check that the log shows an expected message if we set a message for expected_log_msg or that there is no log output if expected_log_msg is None (again using the caplog fixture).

Notice what has happened to our pytest.param iterables. Three problems developed as the test grew more complicated.

  1. The pytest.param iterables have become extremely unwieldy with six items. While writing the test, I frequently lost track of which item order corresponded to which variables in the test ā€“ meaning writing the test was more error-prone.
  2. There are a lot of items in the pytest.param iterables that are the same for most test iterations. That repetitiveness is annoying to write, and having to write it every time leads to more chances for errors.
  3. Updating the test 3 times meant I had to extend every pytest.param iterable each time so that all iterables accounted for every test variable.

For complicated parameterized tests like these, there is a better way. We can alleviate all three problems by replacing our pytest.param iterables with dataclass objects! šŸ™Œ


What is a dataclass? Dataclasses are just regular Python classes with extra syntactic sugar to make them easier to write and work with than traditional classes. They look like this:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class MyDataclass:
    item_1: str
    item_2: int | None = None
    item_3: int | float = 0

You decorate a class with the @dataclass decorator to indicate it is a dataclass. Then, you can directly define instance attributes (attributes set at instantiation) on the class. These instance attributes must have type hints, or youā€™ll get an error that the variable is not defined. You can set default values for the attributes by setting the attribute = to something. Note that even though you must add type hints to the dataclass attributes, they are not enforced at runtime when set.

This is what it looks like when we instantiate the above dataclass:

>>> my_dataclass_instance = MyDataclass(item_1="blah", item_2=7)
>>> print(my_dataclass_instance)
MyDataclass(item_1='blah', item_2=7, item_3=0)

Notice that dataclasses also provide pretty print strings out of the box. You could accomplish (roughly) the same goal with a traditional Python class like so.

class MyNormalClass:

    def __init__(
        item_1: str,
        item_2: int | None = None,
        item_3: int | float = 0
        self.item_1: str = item_1
        self.item_2: int | None = item_2
        self.item_3: int | float = item_3

    def __str__(self):
        return f"MyNormalClass(item_1={self.item_1}, item_2={self.item_2}, item_3={self.item_3})"
>>> my_normal_class_instance = MyNormalClass(item_1="blah", item_2=7)
>>> print(my_normal_class_instance)
MyNormalClass(item_1=blah, item_2=7, item_3=0)

I think we can all agree that writing classes the dataclass way is much easier (both to write and to read).

Writing parameterized tests with dataclasses

Letā€™s re-write our complicated test for divide_with_logging using a dataclass for each test case in the parameterized test instead of a pytest.param iterable.

First, weā€™ll define the dataclass weā€™ll use for each test case in the parameterized test.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class DivideTestCase:
    """Test case for testing the divide_with_logging function."""

    id: str
    num1: Any
    num2: Any
    expected: int | float | None = None
    error: Exception | None = None
    log_level: str = logging.INFO
    expected_log_msg: str | None = None

Notice a few things about the test case.

  1. Weā€™re using a dataclass to write it, so it looks very clean.
  2. We include a required id attribute. Later, weā€™ll use this for the test id values.
  3. num1 and num2 are required attributes (like id). They are required because they donā€™t have a default value set. These are attributes that make sense to set individually for every test.
  4. expected, error, log_level, and expected_log_msg are optional attributes. They have default values set that make sense for most tests (or at least for many tests). These are attributes that we no longer need to worry about for tests that donā€™t use them or for tests that typically use them the same way almost every time.
  5. The type hints will help with auto-complete when we write the actual test cases.

Next, we add the test cases for the parameterized test using the dataclass we defined above:

    DivideTestCase(num1=4, num2=2, expected=2, id="basic_case"),
    DivideTestCase(num1=2, num2=4, expected=0.5, id="num2_gt_num1"),
    DivideTestCase(num1=0, num2=2, expected=0, id="num1_0"),
    DivideTestCase(num1=2, num2=0, error=ZeroDivisionError, id="num2_0"),
        expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'int'>",
        expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'float'>",
        expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'str'>",

These test cases are much easier to read and write than the pytest.param-style test cases. Here is an example comparison of the pytest.param-style test case with the equivalent dataclass-style test case:

# pytest.param style
    "num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'str'>",
# dataclass style
    expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'str'>",

Why is the latter example better?

  1. It is structured as key-value pairs instead of arguments. It is much easier to determine which key a value belongs to than the order of arguments in an iterable.
  2. The sane default values in the dataclass mean we donā€™t have to specify every key-value pair for every test.
  3. We get editor support while writing the key-value pairs.
  4. Itā€™s easy to expand the test cases. If we add a new attribute with a default value set, we donā€™t have to change any of our old test cases to use it.

Finally, we add the test itself.

import pytest

        for test_case in DIVIDE_CASES_WITH_DATACLASSES
def test_divide_with_logging_and_dataclass(
    test_case: DivideTestCase, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture
    """Test the divide_with_logging function using dataclass objects."""
    if test_case.error:
        with pytest.raises(test_case.error):
            divide_with_logging(test_case.num1, test_case.num2)
        assert divide_with_logging(test_case.num1, test_case.num2) == test_case.expected

    if test_case.expected_log_msg:
        assert test_case.expected_log_msg in caplog.text
        assert len(caplog.text) == 0

First, letā€™s discuss the top bit:

        for test_case in DIVIDE_CASES_WITH_DATACLASSES

We define a single variable name, ā€œtest_caseā€. Then we use a list comprehension to wrap our dataclass objects in a pytest.param iterable containing one item, the dataclass object. Along the way, we supply our dataclassā€™ id attribute to the pytest.param id argument so our tests continue to have meaningful names.

def test_divide_with_logging_and_dataclass(
    test_case: DivideTestCase, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture
    """Test the divide_with_logging function using dataclass objects."""
    if test_case.error:
        with pytest.raises(test_case.error):
            divide_with_logging(test_case.num1, test_case.num2)
        assert divide_with_logging(test_case.num1, test_case.num2) == test_case.expected

    if test_case.expected_log_msg:
        assert test_case.expected_log_msg in caplog.text
        assert len(caplog.text) == 0

We provide the test_case parameter defined in pytest.mark.parameterize in the test definition. Then, all the variables we defined in DivideTestCase become accessible as object attributes like test_case.error, test_case.num1, test_case.num2. Clean right? For completeness, hereā€™s the whole test, not broken up into pieces:

class DivideTestCase:
    """Test case for testing the divide_with_logging function."""

    id: str
    num1: Any
    num2: Any
    expected: int | float | None = None
    error: Exception | None = None
    log_level: str = logging.INFO
    expected_log_msg: str | None = None

    DivideTestCase(num1=4, num2=2, expected=2, id="basic_case"),
    DivideTestCase(num1=2, num2=4, expected=0.5, id="num2_gt_num1"),
    DivideTestCase(num1=0, num2=2, expected=0, id="num1_0"),
    DivideTestCase(num1=2, num2=0, error=ZeroDivisionError, id="num2_0"),
        expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'int'>",
        expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'float'>",
        expected_log_msg="num1=<class 'int'>, type(num2)=<class 'str'>",

        for test_case in DIVIDE_CASES_WITH_DATACLASSES
def test_divide_with_logging_and_dataclass(
    test_case: DivideTestCase, caplog: pytest.LogCaptureFixture
    """Test the divide_with_logging function using dataclass objects."""
    if test_case.error:
        with pytest.raises(test_case.error):
            divide_with_logging(test_case.num1, test_case.num2)
        assert divide_with_logging(test_case.num1, test_case.num2) == test_case.expected

    if test_case.expected_log_msg:
        assert test_case.expected_log_msg in caplog.text
        assert len(caplog.text) == 0

The result of running those tests looks like this.

$ pytest -k test_divide_with_logging_and_dataclass -v
======================================= test session starts =======================================
platform linux -- Python 3.10.12, pytest-7.4.2 -- /blog_posts/venv/bin/python3.10
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /blog_posts
collected 7 items / 0 deselected / 7 selected                                                                              [basic_case] PASSED         [ 14%][num2_gt_num1] PASSED       [ 28%][num1_00] PASSED            [ 42%][num2_0] PASSED             [ 57%][debug_basic_case] PASSED   [ 71%][debug_int_float] PASSED    [ 85%][num1_01] PASSED            [100%]

================================= 7 passed, 0 deselected in 0.04s =================================


Parameterized tests are a powerful way of writing one test to dynamically generate a range of similar tests, subbing out bits of data for each test. They offer a way to reduce code duplication in your tests without looping over all your data in one test.

In a parameterized test, you can supply as many variables as you want in a tuple or pytest.param object to make them available to your test. However, having too many variables is unwieldy. If you find yourself writing a parameterized test with many variables, try using a dataclass to contain all those variables, especially if it makes sense for some variables to have default values.

I hope you found this guide to parameterized testing with pytest helpful. If you are interested in more pytest tips and tricks, check out my other blog post, 9 pytest tips and tricks to take your tests to the next level.

About the Author

Teddy Williams (author) smiling with mountains in the background

Hi, my name is Teddy Williams. I'm a software developer with a special love for Python programming. šŸšŸ‘Øā€šŸ’» I have a wide range of programming interests, including web development, hobby video game development, IoT, data science, and just writing scripts to automate everyday tedious tasks. I'd love it if you check out some of my other posts or take a look at my portfolio! šŸ˜ƒ

Thanks for reading this post! šŸ’š If you like the post, let me know by hitting the heart/like icon below. Share this article if you found it interesting, and if you have any questions or comments, I'd love to hear them in the comments section. Thanks, and happy coding! šŸŽ‰


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